Every week we’ve got new ministry solutions to ensure your ministry thrives!

Joshua Shaw Joshua Shaw

3 Tips For Keeping A New Guest

As church leaders, we have a wonderful opportunity to extend a warm welcome to first-time guests. By doing so, we can create an environment where they feel valued and inspired to come back again. Here are three tips for connecting with first-time guests:

Smile and engage: A smile goes a long way in making someone feel welcome. Take a moment to introduce yourself and ask them if they need any assistance. You never know how one small act of kindness can have a significant impact on their day.

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Church Tools Joshua Shaw Church Tools Joshua Shaw

2 Ways You Are Using Church Center Wrong

Church Center is a powerful tool for churches, providing a platform for everything from online giving to event registration. However, many churches are not using it to its full potential, and as a result, they are missing out on opportunities to connect with their congregation and increase their Kingdom Impact.

Here are two common mistakes churches make when using Church Center and how to use it effectively.

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